Finnish language and culture


Etusivu » Koulutustarjonta » For immigrants » Finnish language and culture

Upgrade your Finnish language skills for further studies and working life. Get the information and achieve the skills you need in your everyday life as well as in running errands.

The education follows the principles of the curriculum of integration training for adult immigrants (OPH 2022).

Who can apply?

Studying programme for immigrant students at South Ostrobothnia Folk High School is ment to the one, who:

  • is over 15 years old
  • have the skills to read and write in his/her mother toungue
  • has the right and permit to study in Finland
  • is interested to learn Finnish language and get to know Finnish culture and society

It consists of

  • Finnish language and culture
  • reading and writing skills
  • basic knowlange (starting level 0)
  • advanced level (starting level A2)
  • interaction skills
  • information about Finnish society and environment
  • information about educational system and work in Finland
  • digital skills
  • physical education
  • food and house culture

Studying is a full-time activity and it is executed in small groups. Working methods include e.g.

  • conversational teaching in the classroom
  • tasks and work in groups
  • learning by doing (handycraft etc.)
  • visiting different places
  • joint workshops and events with Finnish study groups
  • internship

Study period

13.8.2025 – 29.5.2026


Apply for the studying for the next academic year, which starts in August 2025, no later than until July 31, 2025. Still applications are accepted all year round.

Go to the electronic application here.

When applying, send a copy of your ID card to the following email:

We will contact the applicant immediately after the application arrives.

Additional information for the applicant: The Finnish language entry test is held before the studies start, and based on the test results, students are divided into groups according to their Finnish language skill levels.

Studying fee and costs

Education, meals and accomodation in the college dormitory are free of charge. In addition to lunch, resident student gets breakfast, afternoon coffee and dinner. Studying is a full-time job and entitles to apply for the study support. This Finnish language and culture course is voluntary and can be included in the immigrant’s integration plan. The plan is made by TE-office or municipality of student’s residence place.

We keep the right to make any changes.

Jaa sivu